Monday 6 February 2012


So my headphones broke on me yesterday only 1 side was playing. One of the things I can't live without is music especially when traveling around via public transit, I need music in my ear to block having to hear peoples conversations. I have always bought the Apple headphones but finally decided I need to go with something else because they don't last, I have had mines for less then a year (>_<) My good friend recommended Skullcandy Titan earbuds to me. After wasting my time going yesterday to Best Buy to find out they were closed already and then going back today to find out they don't have it at that location and having to go to another location I got them and I am LOVEing them. The sound quality is AWESOME. I highly recommend for the sound quality now I will have to see about the lasting quality. For $54.99 + tax I hope they last for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: Disppointed in skullcandy headphones already broken, didn't last a year >_<
