Sunday 12 February 2012

David Choi Concert

On Thursday I went to see David Choi in concert, my BFF accompanied me even though she had no idea who he is...thanks (^_^) It was an awesome show. He is a good singer & a good entertainer. He knows how to talk to the audience & keep them entertained which is a very good thing. This is my second time attending his concert. Last time it was at a club which restricted 19 & under from attending, this time it was at a theatre for all ages. His opening performers were soo much better then last time, a band called New Heights. After the show there was a meet & greet, my BFF & I stood in line for over an hour & a half to get a picture taken with David & the lead singer of New Heights...we didn't get home until 1am but it was fun (^_^)

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