Saturday 17 March 2012

Cooking - Rice Noodle with Beef Soup, Salmon with Mixed Vegetables & Other Food

My first attempt at making Rice Noodle with Beef Soup was only ok but didn't taste the same like how my mom makes it. When she makes it I can't stop eating's sooo GOOD. Will need to call her and attempt to make it again. But the soup was still ok, here is the recipe for this version

What you need:
-1 cube of Pho soup seasoning (I got this from my mom but I saw it at my local Asian supermarket)
-rice noodles
-beef cut into cubes
-green onion

1. cook the noodles according to the package instructions. Drain and place in bowl.
2. following instructions on package for the pho soup seasoning but also add the beef with the soup base to cook.
3. pour the soup into the noodle bowl & add green onions.

Salmon with mixed Vegetables

I was really lazy last week to make anything the night before for lunch, so I came up with something quick that I can make in the morning, Salmon with Vegetables. Very easy to make

What you need:
-red & yellow pepper
-baby tomatoes
-black pepper
-olive oil

1. Heat a pan with some olive oil & add some black pepper then add the salmon. Flip salmon over after a few mins & add some more black pepper to the other side of salmon.
2. add avocado, baby tomatoes, red & yellow pepper. Add black pepper to taste.
3. cook until veg's & salmon are cooked

Was really craving Vietnamese sub for awhile and I finally got one yesterday at Pho 99. Was disappointed with it, doesn't taste as good as it did before (>_<) will need to find a good place that has good subs. I got to try some more Persian food today, my second time having Persian food. This one I liked a lot better then the last one, the beef & rice was soo good. I hope I will get to try more Persian food in the future, since my BFF is Persian after all. Also was craving the mixed cooked vegetable dish I made so made some more today (^_^)

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