Wednesday 18 April 2012

Recent Purchase & My Addiction

Had a craving for Reeses peanut better cups so I purchased some Reese Mini ‘s. Also think I am getting a little bit sick again so got some NeoCitran just in case.

Thinking about my childhood and one type of food popped into my head Fried Dace with salted black beans. I found it at T&T but expensive now, it cost under $1 before but now it is over $3. I purchased one, still taste the same as before (^_^) good good. It taste good with rice but I ate some of it just as is…was too lazy to make rice.

I purchased NYX NP 32 South Sea nail polish on sale for $1.99 at Price Smart Foods. The color is very opaque so you will need a few coats. I have not used it on its own yet, I have used it on top of another color to add some shine to it and it looks nice.

After going to The Golden Boot the first time I have been wanting to go back, so last Friday I went back with my BFF. My BFF ordered the Pizza Imola - mozzarella, chicken, brie & onion which I had for lunch the next day, it was ok but I prefer the one I ordered last time. I ordered the Lasagna alla Bolognese which was good but I should have just eaten half of it instead of the whole thing because it was way too much eating the whole thing. And we couldn’t leave without having the Tiramisu..yummy. I LOVE this place (^_^)

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