Monday 16 April 2012

Baking: Cookies

Purchased baking set for around $23 on sale at Extra Foods. Baked a few batch's of cookie with the sheets and loving it, non-stick and cleans easily. My 2nd attempt at making cookies I used the Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies II recipe. The cookies turned out really bad, this batch ended up in the garbage (>_<)

My 3rd attempt I used the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe. This one was a lot better but still not there yet.

My last attempt for now (all baked out for now) I used the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe again but this time instead of just adding chocolate chips I also added the baker's chocolate squares, did taste a bit better. Thanks to my BFF for the suggestion. But still haven't found a recipe that I love just yet but wouldn't be baking any more cookies for awhile.

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