Sunday 8 January 2012

Sweet Revenge and Locus

On Saturday my BFF & I had one of those spontaneous days. She was craving dessert so we Googled desserts and we found "Sweet Revenge" read the reviews and they were mostly good. When we got to the place it wasn't open until 7 pm, we were 2 hours early (>_<) It was cold & raining so we went into Blenz to kill time. I wasn't really happy about waiting but my BFF is a lot more optimist then me (I need to learn) she invented some wired games for us to help pass time

When 7 finally came it was soo worth the wait. The dessert was yummy, not overly rich or sweet. It was just right, they're all home-made. We shared a chocolate pudding cake & a white chocolate cheese cake. And earl grey tea, which I added cream & sugar to for the first time, didn't like it that much. The interior is so nice, old English looking. It is a very small place with only a few tables. It was good that we came during opening time because when we left there was a line up. My pictures didn't turn out that great since lightening there is very dim. But I had a good experience at this place and would LOVE to go back time the chocolate mousse...saw somebody order it....looked soo good

       Food: 5/5             Service: 5/5            Ambiance: 5/5             Price: 5/5

After dessert we went for dinner...totally doing this the wrong way but oh well. We went to try a restaurant that was across the street called Locus because it looked interesting. The interior was nice but the food wasn't that great. My BFF & I shared a steak

       Food: 2/5             Service: 3/5            Ambiance: 5/5             Price: 3/5

All in all it was a very interesting day. I like spontaneous days (^_^)

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