Sunday 1 January 2012


I am glad 2011 is over a lot of stressful times throughout this year. Which resulted in me breaking out a lot (>_<) or at least part of it. One major stress was me having to make the decision to move back to Winnipeg if I didn't find a job by the end of 2011 which lucky I did (will be starting next week) but was really stressed out during that time because it was getting harder for me to live on my own, with rent, food and other expenses I couldn't afford to hang out with my friends as much as I would like since money was always a problem (>_<) and my spending habits are bad but it sucks that I can't treat myself to something nice once in awhile. I know that in 2012 my money problems wouldn't go away but earning a little more will help out. What do I hope for in 2012 I hope that I will be able to find love this year and get over the guy who I have been hanging on to for way too long now. I hope that I will be able to live a better life without so many money problems. I hope to spend more time with the people I care about. I hope to be happy (^_^) which is what I wish for everybody to be HAPPY!!! Happy 2012!!!

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