Saturday 31 December 2011

Winnipeg Trip

My trip to Winnipeg wasn't too bad, got to spend time with my family and friends. I went downtown & chinatown. Went to my aunt & uncle's restaurant to eat, eat, eat. My uncle makes the best egg tarts and dim sum..yummy yummy...visited my aunt & uncle's new place where they had fishies. I went to a Christmas party at a friends place. Went with my family to the Forks which is a market with a lot of different one-of-a-kind shops. All & all it was a good trip but once again I see that I could never move back to is just way too cold for me and nothing to do but I do miss having my family and close friends around. But I will still be calling Vancouver my home for now (^_^)

Recent Purchase - Playbook case & skin care products

Yesterday I received 2 of my orders one from ebay my pretty purple Playbook case and some skin care products from Colormix Cosmetics which is like Sasa...they sell beauty products. Comparing the two: Colormix doesn't have as much products as Sasa does but Colormix has really good prices and no restriction on the products that they do carry. At Colormix I purchased all Naruko skincare products. The Naruko brand seems to work well for me it doesn't irritate my skin, I did switch to a different brand last time and now my skin is breaking out so I decided to switch back. Naruko is a Tawianese brand if you want to find out more about this brand visit there US website it is in english and they have detailed description of each product they carry (or at least what is being carried in the US right now, there Taiwanese site has a lot more products but all in Chinese).

Here is the list of products I purchased:
-Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Toner
-Tea Tree Oil Out Peeling Gel
-Magnolia Brightening and Firming Serum (a repurchase because I love the smell & feel of this product)
-Raw Job's Tears Supercritical CO2 Whitening Lotion
-Magnolia Brightening And Firming Repair Night Cream
-Narcissus Total Defense Mousse Facial Wash (also repurchase but for my BFF since she said she liked it)
-Narcissus Total Defense AA Foaming Wash
-Narcissus Total Defense Eye Essense Cream

Some of these products I haven't had a chance to try yet since I still need to finish up what I have but my skin does feel better but waiting to see improvement which probably wouldn't be for awhile (>_<) Hopefully my skin will get better soon (^_^)

New Years Eve 2011

For New Years Eve my BFF & I went to watch Alberta Ballet the Nutcracker at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. I don't think ballet is for me or my BFF since both of us felt sleepy during the performance. But we dressed up for it and I loved the costumes. For the rest of New Years eve I will be staying home and relaxing don't feel like going out or doing anything. I hope everybody is enjoying there New Years eve. Happy New Year!!!

Thursday 29 December 2011

My brothers wedding

The wedding was quite and simple with only close family attending the signing of the papers at my parents house. The reception was a typical Chinese one with a lot of food, 10 dishes & 3 desserts including the cake. I had a good time and I'm happy for my brother & my new sister-in-law (^_^)

I helped out with there wedding by creating the wedding favor boxes for the guests. It was a lot of work cutting out, spray painting, gluing together, creating tags, adding glitter for over 50 boxes. I had help putting everything together thanks to my other brothers girlfriend, my cousin & niece...some girl time together. I also made my own wedding card instead of buying one since I couldn't find anything I liked. I get inspired and creative once in awhile and usually at the very last minute (^_^)


Christmas has come & gone again. Had a quite Christmas...opened gifts in the morning. Here is what santa left for me under the tree (hehehe...) Nailtiques nail strengthen since my nails are very weak & chip very easily. My friend gave me the same card last year but didn't remember if she did or not since she has a whole box of them. But when she came over she saw that card at my house so she adding some stuff to this one. Got a pretty floral necklace, a lot of yummy candy, an American Eagle white lace back sweater (my BFF remembered that I pointed it out to her before), a purse from Aldo, my croc boots that I talked about in another post. A Blackberry Playbook which my brother gave me...since he bought 2 for some wired reason so I asked for it and he gave it to me and I already opened it up and started using it before Christmas. And my good friend made homemade sugar cookies, they were sooo good I ate them all that day. Thanks to my friends for the awesome gifts.

Afterwards my BFF made a healthy Christmas lunch for us at home which included mango salad, sweet potato's, grilled salmon & steamed vegetables. It was not bad.

After lunch we relaxed a little before heading out to watch the new Sherlock Holmes movie, which turned out to be a lot better then I thought it would is a movie worth going to watch. My BFF and I both made a steak sandwich to take along with us for the movie since it started at 7 pm, that was our dinner. I had a good Christmas. I hope everybody else had a good Christmas too (^_^)

oops forgot I wanted to post pictures of what I gave my friend and her kids, a last minute gift since she got me something. Cute Asian snacks...since I am Asian after all (^_^) The kids loved it, I'm happy (^_^)

Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

I have been back from Winnipeg for 4 days now. I miss my family & friends back in Winnipeg wish I could have spend Christmas with them but because of my job I couldn't (>_<) Oh well it is Christmas, I should be HAPPY (^_^) I hope everybody has a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Heading to Winnipeg

Heading to Winnipeg tonite to attend my brothers wedding on Monday. It is not much of a trip since it is Winnipeg (nothing much to do there) but good to get away & relax for a bit (^_^)

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Recent Purchase - Makeup & Gift

Did a little shopping yesterday with my friend. Went to Sephora to pick up a foundation & concealer. I don't usually wear any makeup because I am too lazy in the morning to wake up early to put it on and I don't think it is good for your skin to wear it often. But for my brothers wedding coming up I needed foundation because I have been breaking out a lot lately and I need to cover it up (>_<) so I will use it for special occasions not for everyday wear. So I got the Makeup Forever HD foundation since I have read and seen many good reviews on it. Also got the Makeup Forever full cover concealer. Both where pretty pricey $46 CAD for foundation & $36 for concealer. But both feel like you aren't wearing anything and coverage is good but not sure about lasting ability but maybe I am doing it wrong, I am no makeup expert after all. Need to test it out some more

After Sephora we went to H&M to get my future niece a gift (she is 10 years old). We picked out a cute blue with some pink (both her favorite colors) zip up hoody and a pink poka dot scarf. I hope she likes them. 

Sunday 11 December 2011

Chinatown & Secret Nail

Even though I am sick I still had to go out. Need to get some stuff done before I leave next week. Went to Chinatown to get my future sister-in-law some dried fruits that I let her try when she was here and I got her addicted to (^_^) also got some cough syrup since I was there. And also since I was in Chinatown I went to my favorite bakery Sun Fresh to get some custard pineapple buns & a roll...yummmy...yummy

Then went to one of my favorite places to buy nail polish Secret Beauty Supplies.  They sell O.P.I, China Glaze & more at wholesale prices for super cheap. O.P.I usually $5.99 and China Glaze $3.99. All you need to do is buy a membership for $10 which is good for 1 year. They also sell other beauty salon products. Didn't purchase any nail polish this time (soo tempted though) I went there to get my hair color but found out later when I had to go back to get another box of color that you need to have a hairstylist license to purchase them but the lady let me go this time (even though she is the one who rung me in the first time with my first purchase of hair colors). So I got 3 boxes of Auburn Red Light Chestnut hair dye (since my hair is long & thick, my BFF is going to help me dye it next week before I leave), a bottle of China Glaze strong adhesion base coat & a mini crimper that was on sale for $19.99. The crimper is a lot harder to use then I though it would be...probably because it is so small. I need to practice some more to get volume. Overall a productive day (^_^)

Saturday 10 December 2011

sick (>_<)

Being sick sucks, I have a nasty cough & sore hasn't been fun coughing nonstop (>_<) I have been taking Benylin which seems to be helping. Also taking Pei Pa Koa which is a Chinese herbal cough and throat syrup, which I mix with hot water. Feels soothing and taste good, helps to calm the cough for a little while. And also bought some Ricola cough drops (bought 2 flavors since on sale at London Drugs 2 for $5) it also just helps to calm the cough for a little while. I have also been drinking a lot of orange juice and my BFF has been making me some warm milk with honey (yummy). I hope I will be all better soon before I leave for my brothers wedding on Thursday.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Recent Purchase - Dolly Wink

I recently purchased some cosmetics online at Sasa is a Hong Kong based company that sells a variety of beauty products. I mostly go there to order Asian products since they are hard to find and overly priced in Canada. Even though it is getting harder to purchase at Sasa since a lot of the products they sell are being only exclusively sold in Hong Kong...which sucks. I really hope they don't continue like this...I WANT MY ASIAN BEAUTY PRODUCTS!!!

So here is what I purchased for myself I got 2 Dolly Wink Long Mascara in black. I finally found a mascara that doesn't give me panda eyes. The rest of the products are for my friend as her Christmas gift. 2 Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner, since she loved them so much when I gave her the one I purchased last time and didn't work on me (>_<) gave me panda eyes. I also got her one of the Dolly Wink false eyelashes to try out. I hope she likes them.

Monday 5 December 2011

Beauty & the Beast

I purchased my tickets today for Beauty & the Beast. Birthday gift for my BFF (her bday is in Feb). We will be watching it on Feb 12, 2012 sooo looking forward to it. I LOVED the last Broadway musical that I saw...The Lion King it was sooo good I have HIGH hopes for this one too. I am looking forward to seeing the surprise look on her face when she receives this gift (^_^) I LOVE surprises...just need to keep this a secret until February (>_<) shhh...

Sunday 4 December 2011

Fortune City Seafood Restaurant

This will be my 1st restaurant review. Just a discalimer that this is just my opinion, we all have different taste and I am not a food expert either...I usually don't know what I am eating (^_^) I just know if I like it or not. So for my families last dinner in Vancouver we went to a restaurant called Fortune City Seafood Restaurant. My uncle knew the owner of this restaurant so we went to give it a try. We ordered one of the specials that they had plus we added a few more dishes which came out to 11 dishes in all. My review on this restaurant isn't good, the food didn't have enough flavor to it (few dishes I didn't try) and also the service was slow, we had to wait awhile for our next dish to arrive. So this isn't a place I would recommend or take people from out of town to try Chinese food in BC.

       Food: 1/5             Service: 1/5            Ambiance: 2/5             Price: 3/5

Family visit

My mom, brother & future sister-in-law came to visit last week we ate a lot (Chinese food mostly & once Korean BBQ), some sightseeing (Stanley park & Buddhist temple) & some shopping (Aberdeen Mall & Chinatown). It was nice to spend time with them (^_^)

Thursday 1 December 2011


My first pair of BCBG shoes...a pair of nice shiny peep-toe heels form Sterling on sale with additional 40% off. But I didn't know about the additional % off until at the cash counter... love surprises like that ^_^ I usually don't wear heels but a special purchased to match my dress for my brothers wedding in December and they're very basic so I can wear them with other outfits in the future. Also purchased a pair of ankle boots from Zara - my Christmas gift to my BFF who fell in LOVE with them when she saw them. I convinced her not to get them and secretly went back to purchase...sneaky me (^_^) Also a pair of Croc winter boots from the Croc store - Christmas gift from my BFF to me (no surprise for me >_<) so warm & light weight. Never thought I would get anything at the Croc store since I think their original Crocs are super ugly and I don't think I would ever purchase a pair. I said "don't think" rather then "never" since I am known to change my mind about things often (^_^) I LOVE my shoes