Wednesday 9 May 2012

Happy Birthday To Me (^_^)

Yesterday was my birthday but it started on the weekend, a few friends joined me to go hiking on Mount Seymour to celebrate. It was a lot of fun, thanks to the awesome people who decided to join in my craziness (^_^) like 2010 there was still a lot of snow but not as warm or sunny as 2010 but still AWESOME. Can’t wait to go back in summer to hike again. It was a good thing we went to Ihop before the hike, gave me energy to survive the hike. After hiking we weren't really that hungry so we just stopped at Safeway to grap some food. I didn't know they had a place for you to order cooked food. I ordered a Tuscan Chicken combo, which was ok & not too of bad of price for the combo. Saw a corgi dog soo cute, I want one (^_^)

On my birthday at work I received a dozen yellow roses from my manger…so sweet & I got to leave an ½ hr early (^_^) I meet up with a few friends for dinner, it was suppose to be at a sushi place but they close at 8 (>_<) way to early so we went to The Golden Boot since it was right next door. I ordered a pizza again, I had left over’s for today’s lunch. After dinner I went to hang out with Mama Gen’s bf & friend for sushi. There was a BIG surprise waiting for me there, Mama Gen had the restaurant staff turn off the lights (which at that time I had no idea what was going on, I thought they lost power or something) and brought me cake with candles…I was sooo surprised & Happy. Mama Gen is the BEST…LOVE U (^_^) & the cake was yummy...

Mama Gen's Spaghetti alla Carbonara & My Pizza Capricciosa
I got so many awesome gifts from my friends. One of my friends got me a gift card from Metrotown…shopping time (^_^)  another friend got me a pair of sandals at AE (^_^) My BFF got me a beautiful pair of flats from Aldo. Another friend got me a lovely bouquet of flower. I got a lot of birthday wishes from friends, which I am really happy to receive. I have AWESOME friends…I LOVE them all.

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