Tuesday 29 November 2011

Grandma's Bday Dinner

Celebrated my grandma's birthday yesterday, like every year we had a lot of food left over that was packed up...we were all too full to eat anymore. Some dishes I didn't even get to try...I was way too full

and like always I took the flower displayed on the plate. This year there was a rose

Saturday 26 November 2011


fall is fading away winter is just around the corner....brrrr...


Oi in Cantonese means love which is also my name...though nobody calls me that expect my family. This will be a blog of random things...my thoughts on some restaurant that I have eaten at, products that I have bought, events that I have been to, things I love etc...my sometimes interesting life (^_^) I love taking pictures but I am not a professional photographer...still a beginner. I am not a good writer at all...so sorry for all the errors (>_<) hopefully what I am trying to say will be understandable.

This is me:
I like taking pictures....because I forget too easily. I like to look at and capture beautiful things... because they make me happy. I like to remember the significant & non-significant times....because they are both a part of me (^_^)